Issue - meetings

Outcome of Consultation with Schools Regarding Fairer Funding for 2015/16

Meeting: 16/10/2014 - Children, Education and Families Budget Sub-Committee (Item 28)


Additional documents:


Report EDU15109


The Sub-Committee considered a report setting out the outcome of consultation with schools and the changes to proposed funding distributions to primary and secondary schools across the Borough following the release of the Department for Education’s final funding allocation for Bromley for 2015/16.


At its meeting on 26th June 2014, the Schools’ Forum considered a report outlining a number of options put forward by the Local Authority and the Schools’ Forum Working Group for the distribution of funding to primary and secondary schools for 2015/16.  Following discussion, it was agreed that the Local Authority would undertake consultation with primary and secondary schools on Option 1 from the initial proposals and a further option tabled by a member of the Schools’ Forum at the meeting. 


The outcome of the consultation was reported to the meeting of the Schools’ Forum on 25th September 2014, where the Schools’ Forum also considered a report detailing changes to the proposed funding distributions following the issue of updated information regarding the Fairer Funding proposals on 17th July 2014 by the Department for Education, which included an increase in the overall amount of funding allocated to Bromley to £19.5m and changes to the minimum funding levels.  After being put to a vote, it was agreed that the Schools’ Forum would support Option 1, which proposed that all schools be funded at the higher level of either current Bromley funding or the new Department for Education minimum funding level, and that the lump sum be adjusted for all schools where there was not sufficient additional funding to support this.  This option was also supported by the Executive Director: Education, Care and Health Services and his Senior Management Team.


The Head of Schools Finance Support notified Members that Local Authority Maintained schools would receive the new funding allocation from 1st April 2015, but that academies would not receive this funding until 1st September 2015 due to the different funding arrangements for Local Authority Maintained schools and academies.  Work was being undertaken with the Department for Education to ensure that Local Authority Maintained schools that converted to academy status between 1st April 2015 and 31st August 2015 were not disadvantaged as a result of this.


In response to a question from the Chairman, the Head of Schools Finance Support confirmed that the minimum funding guarantee from the Department for Education was still in place for schools, but that the proposed funding distribution for 2015/16 would increase the funding of the majority of Bromley schools above the minimum funding level.  Two smaller schools in the Borough would still benefit from the minimum funding guarantee. 


In considering the amount of Dedicated Schools Grant held centrally, the Head of Schools Finance Support advised Members that the Dedicated Schools Grant funded a number of services in addition to primary and secondary schools, including the cost of special schools, specialist units, and early years provision across the Borough.  Targets were set by the Department for Education  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28