Issue - meetings

Draft Care Services Portfolio Holder Budget 2015/16

Meeting: 21/01/2015 - Adult Care and Health Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 63)


Additional documents:


Report CS14115


The Committee considered a report, including an updated version of appendix 1, setting out the draft Care Services Portfolio budget for 2015/16, based on the assessments of future cost pressures and initial budget savings presented to the Executive on 14th January 2015. All PDS Committees were requested to consider the draft budgets for their portfolios, identify any further actions that could be taken to reduce cost pressures and report to the next meeting of the Executive on 11th February 2015 prior to the Executive making recommendations to full Council on 23rd February 2015 on the 2015/16 budget and Council Tax levels. 


The Committee discussed the proposed commissioning savings listed at line 22 in appendix 1. Councillor Angela Wilkins attended as a ward councillor to emphasise the important role carried out by the Pineapple Club in Crystal Palace and Penge and Cator wards not just in offering a lunch club and healthy food but also in providing transport, giving advice and combating isolation. The Club had little warning that these savings were proposed and she proposed that transitional arrangements should be put in place if the proposals were approved. She also commented that this would be a false economy as the costs saved here would emerge elsewhere. Some other Members and Co-opted members agreed and it was suggested that further engagement with the groups involved was required.


Councillor Tony Owen also attended the meeting to speak on this issue. He commented on the importance of the role of the Ethnic Communities Project Manager, particularly given the large Somali community in the borough, the campaign against female genital mutilation and the increased risk from radical extremists. He urged that the savings be put on hold and alternative means to fund this post be investigated. 


Members accepted that the Council faced difficult decisions and had to make savings to set a budget, but urged the Executive to consider carefully the implications of reducing funding for BME groups and to look at alternative sources of funding. 


RESOLVED that the financial forecast for 2015/16 to 2018/19, the initial draft savings options presented to the Executive for 2015/16 and the initial draft budget be noted and the Committee’s comments set out above be submitted to the Executive’s meeting on 11th February 2015.