Issue - meetings


Meeting: 03/03/2015 - Children, Education and Families Budget Sub-Committee (Item 57)


Additional documents:


Report ED15061


The Sub-Committee considered a report setting out the budget monitoring position for the Education Portfolio based on expenditure to the end of January 2015.  The Schools’ Budget, funded from the Dedicated Schools’ Grant and other specific grants was forecast to be in an overspend position of £257k, which would be set against the underspend carried forward from previous years.  The controllable part of the Non-Schools’ budget, funded from Council Tax, Revenue Support and other specific grants was forecast to be in an overspend position of £99k, assuming that £360k would be drawn from contingency at the end of the financial year to offset the expected reduction in Education Services Grant.


Members were advised that the Council’s Executive would be requested to approve a number of carry forward requests for 2015/16.  This included carry forward requests of £200k from the SEND Implementation (New Burdens) grant to support the Local Authority in implementing Special Educational Needs and Disabilities reforms, and a £19k grant from the Department for Education to support the implementation of the Early Years Pupil Premium which had recently been announced.


The Assistant Director: Education explained that there had recently been an unexpected overspend in the Education budget due to a change in the education provision of some children and young people with complex special educational needs.  Work was being undertaken to offset a projected overspend in the Special Educational Needs Transport budget with other Revenue Support Grant funded services.


In considering the budget monitoring position for the Education Portfolio, the Portfolio Holder for Education confirmed that the Youth Offending service budget would be transferred to the Education Portfolio from the 2015/16 financial year, but that the Portfolio Holder for Public Protection and Safety would continue to have a close involvement in the delivery of the service.  Members requested that a report on the Youth Offending service be provided to the next meeting of the Education Budget Sub-Committee.


RESOLVED that the latest 2014/15 budget projection for the Education Portfolio as at the end of January 2015 be recommended to the Portfolio Holder for Education for approval.