Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/05/2015 - Executive (Item 198)


Additional documents:


Report ED15501


Report ED15501 advised on updated/additional capital schemes within the Council’s Basic Need Capital Programme.


Further feasibilities were undertaken at a number of schools during 2014 and 2015 linked to delivery of the primary school development plan. With a projected growth in pupil numbers, further projects had also been added to the education capital programme. Projects within the programme were ranked as either Priority 1 (schemes in delivery or urgently required to ensure sufficiency of places) or Priority 2 (schemes which might be required to satisfy future demand, or where further developmental work is required). For both priorities further work was required to progress schemes to a position where they could be brought to tender stage quickly should demand for places increase.


The Department for Education (DfE) recently announced that L B Bromley had received a further capital allocation (Basic Need Capital Grant) of £8,837,573 for 2017-18. The programme agreed by the Education Portfolio Holder on 27th January 2015 highlighted schemes brought into the list of funded projects being delivered and projects in development - the latter only being brought into the programme upon funding being available. This broadly correlated with Priority 1 and Priority 2 projects. The additional £8,837,573 capital allocation would allow a number of other schemes to be brought forward for development based on need and affordability. The total cost of schemes highlighted in Report ED15501 amounted to £96.150m.


The timetable for the projects was driven by the need to have accommodation in place ready to satisfy demand at schools listed in the report. Following completion of feasibility studies, a detailed programme for each project would include the development of requirements and specification, consultation, achievement of planning consent, and delivery of the main construction contract.


In view of recent difficulties in attracting contractors to tender for works (strong competition for building works), Report ED15501 also outlined an updated procurement methodology.


It was confirmed that Ward Members would be consulted on individual schemes in the report at a stage when the projects were being developed. The Portfolio Holder for Education  expressed his wish to see an increased level of Ward Member involvement.




(1)  the Bromley Basic Need Programme at Appendix 4 to Report ED15501 be noted, particularly those schemes in delivery and development;


(2)  the fully costed appraisal for new schemes at Beacon House, Blenheim Primary School, Farnborough Primary School, Green Street Green Primary School, James Dixon Primary School, Leesons Primary School, Marian Vian Primary School, Poverest Primary School, St George’s CE Primary School, St Mary Cray Primary School and The Pioneer Academy (Stewart Fleming) be approved, in addition to the projects outlined in the previous report agreed by Executive on 2nd April 2014;


(3)  changes to the procurement strategy outlined at paragraph 3.9 of Report ED15501 be agreed to address present volatility in market conditions; and


(4)  the Chief Executive be authorised to submit planning applications in association with these works.