Issue - meetings

Adoption Grant Draw Down

Meeting: 20/05/2015 - Executive (Item 200)



Report CS14127


At its meeting on 15th October 2014, the Executive approved drawn-down of £345,700 non–ring fenced adoption reform grant for 2014/15 but deferred a decision on 2015/16 grant draw-down at £272,400 until nearer the 2015/16 financial year. Members could then consider a progress report before considering the release of further funding.


Report CS14127 detailed adoption and permanence activity since April 2014 and sought approval for draw-down of an adjusted sum of £280,400 for 2015/16.


Developments nationally in relation to Adoption Orders were highlighted in the report, particularly in the context of Appeal Court Judgements. The adoption performance of L B Bromley since 2011-12 was also outlined, L B Bromley being one of only 19 authorities to have demonstrated year on year improvement for the average time between a child entering care and moving to its adoptive family. Numbers being adopted however were not as high as planned in view of the family court not always agreeing to the authority’s plan for adoption and the court agreeing to the making of placement orders. There was a significant increase in the making of Special Guardianship Orders (SGOs) in 2013/14 and 2014/15 and an increased level of ongoing support to the children and their special guardians.


The level of work securing adoptive placements and the assessment of prospective adopters and special guardianship/connected person carers had continued at a pace. Without resources from the adoption reform grant, significant pressure would be placed on the service in meeting current demand; capacity would not be available to allocate Special Guardianship assessments in-house and the assessments would need to be commissioned from external providers at a greater cost. 


The Leader felt that it was necessary to be aware of an exit strategy to ensure that the Council would not be left with a financial liability should an increase in the making of Special Guardianship Orders continue (requiring increased ongoing support to the children and their special guardians) with a reduction in the level of adoptions.


Members were advised that L B Bromley had achieved 21 adoptions in 2014/15. This replaced the projected figure recorded at paragraph 3.15 of Report CS14127. 




(1) the progress report be noted; and


(2) draw-down of the non-ring fenced adoption reform grant of £280,400  for 2015/16 be approved.