Issue - meetings

(15/00969/FULL2) - Manorfields, Avalon Road, Orpington

Meeting: 09/06/2015 - Development Control Committee (Item 8)

8 (15/00969/FULL2) - Manorfields, Avalon Road, Orpington pdf icon PDF 64 KB


Members considered the following planning application report:-


Item No.


Description of Application


(page 81)


Change of use from care home for the elderly (Class C2) to short term accommodation for the homeless (Sui Generis), refuse store and alterations to fenestration.


The Development Control Manager provided Members with the following verbal update:-


This application is submitted by the London Borough of Bromley.


Since a variety of issues which are not generally material planning considerations have been raised in representations about this application, Members should ensure that the determination of the application is in accordance with Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act which states that this must be made in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The report sets out the key material planning considerations and in particular the relevant development plan policies.


A number of late representations have been received and are on the file. The matters raised are similar to those set out in the summary of objections within the report and in addition express concern about the process.


1. The second paragraph on page 82 – Statement regarding referral of tenants is incorrect – the applicant has confirmed “All referrals will be made solely by the Housing Team at the London Borough of Bromley” the Housing Team would have sole nomination rights to the accommodation and Orchard and Shipman cannot select tenants themselves or receive referrals from a third party.


2. In respect of references to Supported Housing the applicant has confirmed that the accommodation proposed is for specialist accommodation for homeless households with low to medium support needs, and would not be used for supported housing for those with high support needs such as pronounced mental health issues, ongoing addictions or ex-offenders. This could be the subject of a planning condition.


3. Reference to House In Multiple Occupation (HMO) – The Council’s Environmental Health Housing Officer has confirmed that the HMO is exempt from HMO restrictions will not be licensable and the legislation “Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation (England 2006) will not apply. The maximum occupation of the HMO units would be 102 persons if all units were at maximum occupation. The self-contained units would accommodate an additional maximum of 16 persons (total 118). The revised plans submitted in May overcome the concerns raised in the report about light and ventilation. This updates the reported comments on pages 85 and 86 of the agenda.


4. Page 84 last bullet point of summary of objections should refer to 5 years and not 5 days.


Oral representations in objection to the application were received from Mr Ned Helme, Barrister for the Avalon Area Action Group (AAAG).  Mr Helme made the following points:-


  This was clearly a Local Authority application and Members were requested to be mindful of the required approach in determining the application and the issues of predetermination and bias.  The AAAG's letter to the Planning Department of 22 April raised some fundamental objections.  The application should  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8