Issue - meetings

Council Tax Support/Reduction - 2016/17

Meeting: 15/07/2015 - Executive (Item 232)

232 COUNCIL TAX SUPPORT - 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 158 KB

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Report 15037


Following a request at the Executive meeting on 26th November 2014, information was provided on the financial effect to the Authority, and on claimants, of increasing the minimum contribution that working-age claimants are required to pay towards their Council Tax liability. Prior to adopting any new Council Tax support scheme for 2016/17 and then 2017/18, public consultation would be necessary.


The Portfolio Holder for Resources highlighted the Welfare Reform Bill, the First Reading of which took place in the House of Commons on 9th July 2015.  Included in the Bill were details of a proposed reduction in the benefit cap, together with other welfare changes that would impact on the financial position of current Council Tax Support recipients. At this stage it was unclear how many in the borough would be impacted by the changes and an attempt would be made to model the impact in the Council’s public consultation on a new scheme. The Leader added that a decision on minimum liability would be deferred until the outcome of consultation.


As a target, the Portfolio Holder for Care Services suggested working towards a minimum 30% liability but he preferred to see the impact of the welfare reform proposals before setting a level and timeline for change.


It was agreed that an assessment be made of the local impact of proposals in the Welfare Reform Bill and that public consultation on minimum Council Tax liability be taken forward.




(1)  an assessment be made of the local impact of proposed changes included in the Welfare Reform Bill;


(2)  public consultation be approved; and


(3)  a decision on minimum Council Tax liability be deferred until the outcome of public consultation is known.