Issue - meetings

Local Plan - Draft Allocations Consultative Committee

Meeting: 15/07/2015 - Executive (Item 237)


Additional documents:


Report DRR15/070


Appendix 1 to Report DRR15/070 comprised potential site allocations, and draft policy and designation alterations in the preparation of Bromley’s Local Plan. Members were asked to approve the document for consultation with residents, partner organisations, and the wider community.


Report DRR15/070 and its Appendix 1 was also considered at a special meeting of the Development Control Committee (DCC) on 13th July 2015. Comments from DCC Members at that meeting were tabled along with subsequent officer commentary on the comments. Draft minutes on the Committee’s consideration of the item were also tabled along with a slightly re-worded recommendation for the Executive.


Members approved the document for public consultation having firstly considered the comments from DCC Members. The tabled DCC comments primarily related to the recommended draft site allocations and designations summarised in Table 1 at Paragraph 4.5 of Report DRR15/070. A further tabled comment suggested that the document for consultation refer to “at least” 641 homes, rather than a “minimum” of 641 homes; however, the Portfolio Holder for Renewal and Recreation supported the document retaining a “minimum” of 641 homes. The Portfolio Holder also commented on the remaining comments from DCC Members. This included his support for the Maybrey Works at Worsley Bridge Road (Copers Cope ward) retaining its current designation as a Business Area.


In further discussion, reference was made to protecting what is wanted from the town centre (in relation to the Civic Centre site and a recommended Mixed Use designation). In regard to school place capacity, there was parity between need and potential supply i.e. extra classes/ Forms of Entry (FEs) with a methodology behind the balance.




(1)  comments from Development Control Committee (DCC) be noted;


(2)  including the amendments and clarifications circulated at the DCC meeting on 13th July 2015, Appendix 1 to Report DRR15/070 be approved for public consultation as the document outlining the Local Plan potential sites and alterations to draft policy and designations, except in regard to the draft site allocation and designation for Maybrey Works, Worsley Bridge Road, which should continue to retain its current designation as a Business Area.


(3)  the approval at (2) above be subject to the Director of  Regeneration and Transformation, in consultation with the Chairman of the Development Control Committee, being authorised  to make any minor alterations to the document as required, and to agree the final supporting documents prior to publication.