Issue - meetings


Meeting: 14/10/2015 - Executive (Item 279)



Report CS15923


Report CS15923 set out options and recommendations for care and support services in extra care housing schemes when current contracts expire.


In line with an earlier decision to market test remaining Direct Care (in-house) Services - including extra care housing - it was proposed to retender care and support at Apsley Court, Durham House, and Norton Court.


For care and support services not provided in-house at Crown Meadow Court, Regency Court, and Sutherland House, initial contracts with Mears Care, Sanctuary Care, and Hanover Housing Association expired in 2016. Although the contracts could be extended, there would be benefits in retendering and reconfiguring the model of care and support. This would also rationalise provision across all the schemes. 


It was intended to contract with a minimum of two providers and a maximum of three providers across the six schemes, delivering cost efficiencies on management overheads and potentially facilitating some staff movement between schemes. There was also scope to organise joint activities between schemes and co-ordinate activity management. The tender would require providers to bid for a mix of the existing in-house and externally managed schemes.


To facilitate the tendering of an integrated service, it was recommended that the current contract with Hanover Housing Association for Crown Meadow Court be extended by one year from 25th March 2016 until 24th March 2017. Similarly, to manage the procurement exercise, it was recommended that the contract with Mears Care for care services at Crown Meadow Court be extended to 24th March 2017 from 25th March 2016 (maximum period of one year).


Concerning Sutherland House, it was recommended that an early termination of the contract with Hanover Housing Association for housing related support be explored; a new combined care and housing related support service could then be started on 21st August 2016.


A procurement and implementation timetable was outlined and it was recommended that the new contracts be awarded for five years with optional extensions of two years plus a further two years. 


Following a question from the Portfolio Holder for Resources it was clarified that access to extra care services in other boroughs such as L B Enfield was via housing needs; however, the route to extra care services at L B Bromley was through care needs.


As there were now voids in extra care housing, the Portfolio Holder enquired whether it was necessary to have a mixed cohort of service users i.e. those derived from care needs and those from housing needs. It was explained that voids would be filled by the end of November 2015 and the void level would be monitored (the level of supply of extra care housing is continually monitored compared to demand).


The Portfolio Holder for Care Services highlighted the second sentence at paragraph 3.6 of Report CS15923 which stated that: “the recent closure of Lubbock House, which reduced the available units by 30, was designed to improve the void position”. The Portfolio Holder indicated that this was not an  ...  view the full minutes text for item 279