Issue - meetings

The Priory and Former Library, Church Hill, Orpington

Meeting: 08/10/2015 - Executive, Resources and Contracts Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 215)


Orpington Ward


Report DRR15/092


At its meeting on 10th June 2015 the Executive had decided to cease the use of the Priory for the museum service and to declare it surplus to requirements, subject to further work being undertaken by the Strategic Property Service to establish whether the building could be used by other Council services. Following this decision a feasibility study had been undertaken into the possibility of relocating the Registrars’ Service and Electoral Services from the Civic Centre to the Priory. In addition, all Council services were requested to advise whether they had a property requirement which could be met at the Priory, but none was identified.

The conclusion of the study was that considerable internal modifications and an extension would be needed to accommodate Council services. Feasibility work already carried out on the building as part of the Council’s bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund and subsequent review by an English Heritage consultant had identified the need for expenditure of approximately £1.7m and annual running costs of £120k. The study concluded that the facilities would not meet the current needs of these services and relocation would add to the costs of service provision and almost certainly reduce the revenue earned by the Registrars’ Services.

Councillor William Huntington-Thresher, who was a ward member for Orpington, stated that the Council had a duty of care to this grade 2* listed building, the oldest secular building in the borough. He urged the Committee to consider allowing a temporary occupation by community groups such as Save the Orpington Priory (STOP) which would protect the building and allow them a practical opportunity to develop their business plan. 

Councillor Ian Payne, as Chairman of Renewal and Recreation PDS Committee, commented that very substantial investment was needed in the building and the Council had to be sure that whoever took on the building would have the resources to look after it. This would be more likely if a suitable commercial operator could be found. Officers confirmed that there were no covenants restricting future uses.

The Committee concluded that officers should investigate all options for keeping the building secure in the short term, including occupation by a community group or a commercial organisation. 

RESOLVED that the outcome of the feasibility study undertaken to establish whether the Priory and former Library is suitable for Council use be noted, and the Resources Portfolio Holder be recommended to reaffirm the Executive's decision that the property be offered for sale on a long lease on the open market and to consider all options for keeping the building secure, including a short term occupation with suitable conditions.