Issue - meetings


Meeting: 27/10/2015 - Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 22)

22 BUDGET MONITORING 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Additional documents:


Report FSD15063


Members considered the latest budget monitoring position for 2015/16 for the Renewal and Recreation Portfolio based on expenditure and activity levels up to 31 August 2015.  The total portfolio budget showed a projected underspend of £135k.


The level of expenditure and progress with the implementation of the selected projects within the Member Priority Initiatives was also reported.


The Portfolio Holder queried the reason for the £75k increase in the 2015/16 budget for Town Centre Management and Business Support (page 75).  The Assistant Director, Culture, Libraries and Leisure has subsequently confirmed that the £75k increase in the Town Centre Management budget was due to the transfer of the New Homes Bonus funding from the Town Centre Development budgets.


Members were informed that temporary planning officers were employed as the best way of dealing with 'peaks and troughs' in the number of planning applications received.  A total of 23% of planning applications had been received which  was higher than the previous year.  Whilst this resulted in an increase of income, it did not cover costs.  Planning caseloads had increased dramatically and it was difficult to find replacement officers of good quality calibre.  It was suggested that the operation and productivity of the Planning Section should be reviewed.


The final tranche of the Investment in Small Shopping Parades Initiative would expire in April 2016.  A report on the possibility of further funding for this Initiative would be considered at the next meeting of the PDS Committee.  Members agreed that if approved, officers should approach Ward Members for their views before approaching outside organisations.  It was suggested that future reports on bids for initiative funding include information on footfall figures for individual shopping parades together with a list of parades that had received funding and for what purpose the money was used.




1.  the Portfolio Holder be recommended to endorse the latest 2015/16 budget projection for the Renewal and Recreation Portfolio; and


2.  the progress of the implementation of the Renewal and Recreation projects within the Member Priority Initiatives be noted.