Issue - meetings


Meeting: 27/10/2015 - Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 22)


(Report to follow)

Additional documents:


Report DRR15/098


Members considered the progress achieved in delivering the Town Centres Development Programme, and particular attention was given to the Stage C Concept Design report for the Bromley Town Centre Central High Street Public Realm Scheme. 


Portfolio Holder approval was sought to reallocate £48k of Section 106 (Tesco) funding (including accrued interest), to contribute towards market infrastructure and associated works.  The S106 Agreement required all monies to be spent by 23 February 2016.


Agenda Correction


Recommendation 2.2 (page 3) was amended to read:-


‘2.2  Agrees the reallocation of S106 (Tesco) funding of £48k as set out in paragraph 3.18 to ensure the funding is defrayed before the deadline.’.


It was reported that Bromley Town Ward Councillors were very pleased with the proposals outlined in the Concept Design report.


Officers were acutely aware of the condition of the streets at Bromley North.  A cleaning regime would be put in place as soon as the scheme was complete which was anticipated to be in approximately six weeks’ time.


In regard to paragraph 3.16 (page 8), although there were various reasons for the increase in costs, this was partly due to the design review.  TfL had agreed to review their funding support as part of the detailed design stage.  Officers were currently in discussions with Network Rail concerning the integration of their proposed improvement works to Beckenham Junction Station, so those improvements could contribute to meeting the costs of the proposed improvements to the station forecourt and pedestrian linkages to the High Street.


Councillor Tickner reported that the Beckenham Town Centre Working Party met on 15 October 2015 and was due to meet again on 10 December 2015.  At the October meeting, concerns were raised about the funding shortfall.  Councillor Tickner queried whether there was an opportunity to secure programme renewal money to improve the main highway.  He was assured that road surfacing would be factored into the overall improvement scheme as part of the co-ordinated package.


A further report on the outcome of discussions with Network Rail and the proposals for road resurfacing would be submitted to a future meeting of the PDS Committee.


Whilst discussing the Cray Business Corridor (page 10), Members highlighted a clear problem with the loss of industrial business because of a change of use from industrial to retail and wondered if this could be due to a difference in rent charges between the two.


The Authority aimed to develop larger trade counter units as opposed to smaller enterprise units.  The policy of the Local Plan was to strike a balance re. employment use.  There was a lack of  smaller spaces in the Borough to trade from and this was a matter which should be considered further.  Officers were currently looking at the case history of units in the Cray Business Corridor many of which had been in continued retail use for a number of years.  It would, therefore, be necessary to adopt a more flexible policy.  It was agreed that a list of percentage figures (either  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22