Issue - meetings

Council Tax Support/Reduction 2016/14

Meeting: 02/12/2015 - Executive (Item 302)


Additional documents:


Report FSD15066


Report FSD15066presented the outcome of public consultation on the level of liability of working-age claimants for Council Tax Support/Reduction (CTS/R) 2016/17. Members were asked to request that Full Council agree to such an entitlement being calculated on 75% of liability. 


The report covered the impact of the Chancellor’s Summer Statement and supplementary information provided an update following the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement. Based on current caseload and a projected effect of known welfare reform changes, estimated annual expenditure was outlined for the liability options consulted upon i.e. 81%, 75% and 70%. 


The supplementary information also included information on the number of Council Tax support cases in payment (i.e. number of households in receipt of Council Tax Support) from April 2013 to October 2015 (inclusive).


Members supported a minimum 25% Council Tax liability for 2016/17. Collection rates remained high and the hardship fund would continue. Public consultation would take place annually and it was intended to continually review the scheme. Officers would monitor its effect for 2016/17, the impact being reported for the next (2017/18) budget round.




(1)  responses to the public consultation exercise be noted along with the outcome of work on the impact of Welfare reform; and


(2)  for their meeting on 14th December 2015, Full Council be requested to adopt a scheme whereby entitlement for working-age claimants in financial year 2016/17 be calculated on 75% of a household’s Council Tax liability, the maximum assistance provided to a working-age claimant thereby being 75% of his/her Council Tax liability.