Issue - meetings


Meeting: 02/12/2015 - Executive (Item 307)


Additional documents:


Report DRR15/103


Following completion of the Bromley North Village Improvement works the revised development strategy for Bromley Town Centre (as approved on 26th November 2014) proposed extending the improvement works south into the remainder of the pedestrianised High Street.


The Urban Design team responsible for the Bromley North Village scheme (Studio Egret West) were commissioned to take forward initial design ideas, preparing a series of concept design options forming the basis for public consultation events in June and July 2015. The Stage 1 report including a summary of public consultation comments was appended to the report as were outline designs based on a number of design principles developed in consultation with stakeholders. 


A preliminary budget cost plan had been produced. The full cost of the scheme (capital and revenue costs) would be reported back to Members following completion of the detailed design. The overall cost was currently estimated at £3.8m.


Approval was sought for a £270k allocation to meet the cost of detailed design work and additional survey work estimated at £287k, with £17k being funded from the residual balance of the outline design allocation.


Supporting the recommendations, the Portfolio Holder for Renewal and Recreation referred to opportunities presented for Bromley Town Centre compared to neighbouring town centres such as Croydon. It was necessary to achieve more business rate income and the public realm improvements would ultimately help to present further income opportunities. Funding for the detailed design work would be met from the Growth Fund and not the Investment Fund as highlighted in Report DRR15/103.


The Executive and Resources PDS Committee had scrutinised the need for revenue funding for the scheme, the Portfolio Holder highlighting that the funding would be necessary for improved cleaning requirements. Less cleaning would also be required by having better quality paving. The BID company for the Town Centre would also have an important role to ensure high cleanliness of the town centre.


Looking at the effects of public realm improvements in other parts of London, the most important indicators comprised footfalls and void units, both of which the Mayor has sought to address. The economic upturn has helped and public realm improvement attracts increased footfall to benefit the local economy.


The Leader referred to making the High Street more attractive including measures to design out crime. The benefits of High Street improvements would also be recognised by potential investors for Site G. The Leader further highlighted increased business rate income and ensuring that the town centre was the cleanest and safest major town centre (regionally). It was important to make the high street particularly attractive.


Concern was expressed that the high street market might not be an attractive feature if looking to promote a cafe culture for the High Street. The Portfolio Holder agreed highlighting his concerns for its current operation. In the improved High Street it was proposed to move the market to a new location at Market Square. The Leader accepted that the market stalls were popular but felt the street  ...  view the full minutes text for item 307