Issue - meetings


Meeting: 14/01/2016 - Children, Education and Families Budget Sub-Committee (Item 25)


Additional documents:


Report ED16011


The Sub-Committee considered a report setting out the draft Education Portfolio Budget 2016/17, which incorporated future cost pressures and initial budget saving options reported to the Council’s Executive on 13th January 2016.  Members were requested to consider the initial budget saving options proposed and identify any further action to be taken to reduce the cost pressures facing the Local Authority over the next four years.


The Finance Manager advised Members that no additional growth pressures had been identified within the initial budget for the Education Portfolio for 2016/17, but that there had been additional allocations of £382k relating to the full year effect of the supplementary estimate for Adult Education, £400k in response to the reduction in Education Services Grant, and £199k relating to increases in National Insurance contributions.  A number of savings for the 2016/17 budget had also been identified during 2015/16, which included savings of £76k for Bromley Youth Music Trust and £30k for Early Years.


In considering the draft Education Portfolio budget 2016/17, the Chairman noted that following Members’ agreement to discontinue the market testing process for education services, a review was being undertaken of the organisation of the Education Service to ensure it continued to be fit for purpose,  the outcome of which would be reported to Education PDS Committee in Spring 2016. 


In response to a question from a Member, the Portfolio Holder for Education confirmed that Officers were working to identify if the Southborough Lane campus currently used by the Bromley Youth Music Trust would be needed for the provision of additional school places in Planning Area 5 in future years. 


With regard to the academies agenda, the Portfolio Holder for Education highlighted that Bromley was significantly further advanced than most other local authorities and continued to work closely with the Department for Education to share learning and raise any issues which might benefit other local authorities.  Further information on how the decrease in grant funding per pupil would impact the Education Portfolio as more schools converted to academy status would be provided to Members following the meeting.  This issue would also be raised with the Regional Schools Commissioner for South East England and South London who was attending the next meeting of Education PDS Committee on 19th January 2016.




1)  The financial forecast for 2017/18 to 2019/20 be noted;


2)  Members’ comments on the initial draft savings options proposed by the Council’s Executive for 2016/17 be noted; and,


3)  Members’ comments on the initial draft 2016/17 Education Portfolio budget be provided to the meeting of the Council’s Executive on 10th February 2016.