Issue - meetings


Meeting: 05/04/2016 - Audit and Risk Management Committee (Item 30)


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CEO 16015


The Internal Audit Progress Report informed Members of recent audit activity across the Council.


The Committee were updated concerning the Leaving Care (Payments to Clients) Audit. A previous audit had resulted in 9 Priority 1 recommendations, and at the last cycle, two of these were outstanding; these were Pathway Plans and Purchase Cards. Pathway Plans had now been actioned in 89% of cases, against a target of 85%, and this recommendation was now considered to be implemented. With respect to Purchase Cards, this recommendation was considered to be partially implemented, and it was acknowledged that management were taking the actions required to resolve the issues. The Committee were also informed that all 8 priority one recommendations in respect of the Family Placements audit had now been implemented.


The Committee were updated concerning the audit of Domiciliary Care. In the past, there had been two priority one recommendations. The first issue was relating to service agreements closed on the wrong dates, or non-closure. The second audit recommendation was around the number of hours that had planned to be delivered--not being reconciled to planned hours. The Committee heard that there were still problems in both these areas, and so both recommendations remained open.


The Audit of rent arrears in Temporary Accommodation was originally undertaken five years ago and was ongoing. As at March 2016, the total number of people in temporary accommodation stood at 1074, and the level of rent arrears was £3.58m. Reconciliations had begun with Orchard and Shipman, and this was expected to be completed by the end of the financial year. As the rent arrears remained high, this recommendation remained outstanding.


The Head of Internal Audit updated the Committee concerning the issue of Creditors, and the problem of “retrospective” orders. An audit that took place between October 2015 to December 2015, revealed that 2,155 retrospective orders were raised during that period. This was an increase from the previous quarter, and it was noted that 44% of these orders were related to Housing. The new housing system would not be available for some time, but in the interim, Internal Audit had agreed Housing’s proposal to streamline payment procedures, and it was hoped that this would reduce the volume of retrospective orders related to Housing.


The Head of Internal Audit summarised the main areas of audit activity, including the list of internal audit reports that had been published. Members were also advised of the six monthly update on new waivers sought attached as Appendix B in the committee report. The Head of Internal Audit advised that there were no concerns with the list of waivers.



An update was provided on VFM around the Youth Offending Service. The YOS was in the process of implementing an improvement plan that had been recommended subsequent to the inspection of the YOS by HM Inspectorate of Probation in February 2015. This was being scrutinised by the Youth Justice Board. It was considered that the implementation plan was partially implemented, and moving in the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30