Issue - meetings


Meeting: 07/06/2016 - Environment and Community Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 6)


Additional documents:


Report ES16020


The report presented that draft 2016-19 Environment Portfolio Plan for scrutiny by members of the Environment PDS Committee and endorsement by the Environment Portfolio Holder.  The Environment Portfolio Plan set out six broad outcomes:


1. Improving the Street Scene

2. Minimising Waste and Increasing Recycling

3. Enhancing Bromley’s Parks and Green Space

4. Managing our Transport Infrastructure and Public Realm

5. Improving Travel, Transport and Parking

6. Improving Customer Service and Business Management.


Each outcome had an associated aim, mainly delivered through service contracts (the report provided at-a-glance summaries of the Portfolio’s contracts with a value greater than £50,000).


During 2016/17 a number of new initiatives would be undertaken including implementing the Beckenham Town Centre public realm project, improving Penge High street; delivering the new Joint Parking Services contract; developing a ‘Neighbourhood Management’ approach for Streetscene and Greenspace; integrating all Highways activity within one team; and developing commissioning options for the Portfolio’s larger contracts, including Waste Services, Grounds Maintenance, Highways Management and Street Cleansing.  The Plan also included a limited number of carefully selected indicators which allowed performance against service outcomes to be measured overtime.


In addition the report detailed 2016/17 priority outcomes and key achievements for 2015/16 and provided a detailed performance summary for 2015/16.


The Committee discussed road safety and suggested that there needed to be a specific focus on children.  In response the Portfolio Holder agreed that road safety was very important and highlighted that the ethos of the Council was based on education.  The Council had a number of nationally recognised road safety schemes.


The issue of grass cutting was considered by the Committee with a Member reporting instances of flooding as a result of drains being blocked by grass that had been cut by a strimmer and subsequently blowing into the drain.  The Portfolio Holder responded that he was not aware of flooding caused by drains blocked by grass and that he would be interested to see the report and data in respect of this as flooding was a serious concern.  The Portfolio Holder stressed that seasonal first cuts of the year were key.  The Landscape Team had confirmed that the seasonal grass cutting schedule was progressing well.  If the Committee felt that extra grass cutting was required there would inevitably be budget implications and any additional spending items would need to be justified.


Members of the Committee expressed concerns surrounding the increase in fly tipping.  Officers reported that there were targets for fly tipping enforcement action and that the Council continued to work with the Police in order to tackle instances of fly tipping.


The Committee noted the key achievements for 2015/16 and the Chairman highlighted that the Council had received the Partnership Working Award from the British Parking Association for the LB Bromley/Bexley Shared Parking Service.


RESOLVED: That the Portfolio Holder be recommended to


(a) Endorse the outcomes, aims and performance measures set out in the draft 2016-19 Environment Portfolio Plan, taking into account the 2016/17 budget; and


(b) Endorse the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6