Issue - meetings

Procurement Strategy - National Child Measurement Programme

Meeting: 28/06/2016 - Adult Care and Health Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 11)

11 Procurement Strategy - National Child Measurement Programme pdf icon PDF 93 KB


Report CS17021


The Care Services Portfolio Holder introduced a report outlining the proposed procurement strategy for the National Child Measurement Programme, which was currently delivered via a joint block contract with the Bromley Clinical Commissioning Group which would end on 30th September 2017, and seeking approval to procure a new contract to start on 1st October 2017 with an estimated contract value of £120k per annum.


The National Child Measurement Programme was a mandated programme measuring height and weight in Reception year and Year 6 in all children in Bromley in maintained schools and academies.  The aim was to measure at least 85% of children in maintained schools and academies, with 91% of children measured in Bromley in 2015.


In considering the proposed future procurement strategy for the National Child Measurement Programme, three options had been explored and it was recommended that Option 3 be progressed which proposed to procure the National Child Measurement Programme as a standalone service.  As there were no other commissioned Public Health services in schools from April 2017, there were also no obvious services to jointly tender the National Child Measurement Programme with.


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to:


1)  Agree to procure the contract for the National Child Measurement Programme starting 1st October 2017; and,


2)  Agree Option 3 which proposed to procure the National Child Measurement Programme as a standalone service as the best option for procurement.