Issue - meetings

Proposed changes to LA Schools Funding Formula for 2017/18 - Update

Meeting: 13/09/2016 - Schools' Forum (Item 14)

14 Proposed changes to LA Schools Funding Formula for 2017/18 - Update pdf icon PDF 55 KB

Additional documents:


Report ED17013


The Schools’ Forum considered a report which provided an update on the findings of the Schools’ Forum Working Group relating to proposed changes to the LA funding Formula for 2017/18, specifically relating to identifying savings within the Schools Block.


At the last Schools Forum Meeting on 30 June 2016 the Schools’ Forum considered the consultation responses but did not make any final decisions as it felt that the consultation was inconclusive.  Members also hoped that the second consultation on the National Funding Formula (NFF) would be issued before a final decision needed to be made.  However, over the summer there was a number of unexpected changes to the NFF timetable with implementation being delayed until 2018/19 meaning that further details have yet to be published. In addition to this, unlike previous years, the APT which is provided to schools to model the funding formula did not have to be returned to the DfE in October this year.  This meant that the final decision on any changes to the funding formula did not need to be agreed until January 2017.  This issue was discussed with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Schools Forum and it was proposed that at the Working Group meeting on the 7th September 2016, that the group would look at further modelling data with a view to going out for a further consultation with all schools during the Autumn term.


The Schools’ Forum considered the modelling data as follows:


Model One: Comparison of Attainment/ Lump sum to AWPU across primary schools only.


As part of the original review, only the impact of reductions to the lump sum and attainment factors was shared with schools. A number of schools indicated that they felt that AWPU would be a fairer option to use. This model showed the impact of both methods and provided a comparison between the actual reductions and also provided an indication of the types of schools where the variation between the two methods was greatest.


Model Two: Reduction of AWPU across primary and secondary schools.


In response to the initial consultation, a number of primary schools expressed concern that the savings were only being found from the primary sector. As the Schools’ Forum had not actually been asked to make this a formal recommendation, it was proposed that the Working Group should have the opportunity to see what the impact would be across all schools. The disadvantage of this proposal was that there would be no change to the ratio between primary and secondary schools, however as the NFF consultation had not been released there was no further evidence to support what the correct ratio should be.


The Schools’ Forum was being asked to consider whether there should be further consultation with all schools and on what basis.

Members of the Schools’ Forum acknowledged that a number of Primary Head Teachers did not support the proposals to exclude Secondary Schools from the reductions.  However, it was noted that model one would place  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14