Issue - meetings

Budget Monitoring 2016/17

Meeting: 08/11/2016 - Environment and Community Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 31)

31 BUDGET MONITORING 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 125 KB

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Based on expenditure and activity levels to 30th September 2016, the latest 2016/17 budget monitoring position for the Environment Portfolio showed an underspend of Cr £294k, with the controllable budget projected to be underspent by Cr £228k at year-end.


Details were provided of the projected outturn with a forecast of projected spend against each relevant service area compared to the latest approved budget. Background to variations was also outlined.


In discussion, reference was made to a projected net £50k deficit from PCNs issues by Indigo Park. This was due to a reduction in contraventions detected arising from staff sickness, leave and training in April 2016 reducing the number of CEOs on street. Employment of four additional Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) on street was delayed due to difficulties in staff recruitment. However, the staff were now in post. The position would be closely monitored over the next few months and there would be opportunity over the financial year for Indigo Park to undertake extra CEO patrols to compensate. A combined Key Performance Indicator (KPI) linked to training and numbers of CEOs on street would also be monitored. Ultimately, if there was a continued level of poor performance, a financial default could be incurred by the contractor.


For Parks and Green Spaces, a projected £70k overspend for water charges at Crystal Palace was due to the receipt of amended backdated bills based on actual meter readings. Bills had only been received to mid-December 2015 and officers were working closely with Thames Water to investigate the reason for a large variation between estimated and actual readings as well as obtaining the most up to date bills - there had been a combination of inaccurate and large bills.


RESOLVED that the Environment Portfolio Holder be recommended to endorse the latest 2016/17 budget projection for the Environment Portfolio.