Issue - meetings

Constitution of the Schools Forum

Meeting: 12/01/2017 - Schools' Forum (Item 29)

29 Constitution of the Schools Forum pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Additional documents:


Report ED17031


The Schools’ Forum considered a report which provided an overview of the representation on the Schools’ Forum.  The Constitution was last fundamentally reviewed in September 2012 when the DfE introduced new Schools’ Forum Regulations.  Since then there have been no further major DfE regulation affecting Schools’ Forums.


As a result of a number of LA maintained primary schools converting to academy status there needed to be a shift in membership with an increase of two primary academy members and a decrease of two primary maintained members of the Forum.


It was proposed that:


a) there was a reduction of one maintained primary governor representative (down to zero), the position is currently vacant.
b) there was a reduction of one maintained primary head representative (down to one), there are currently two maintained primary head representatives.
c) there was an increase of one academy primary head representative (up to two).
d) there was an increase of one academy primary governor representative (up to three).


It had also come to light that there were currently two representatives from one school on the Forum, in breach of paragraph 1.10 of the Constitution.  It was recommended that the Member with the shortest length of membership should be removed from office and an alternate member sought.


It was recommended that no changes to the Non-Schools Membership be made at this time.


The Forum noted that there would be three vacancies on the Forum.  The relevant group would be asked to nominate a representative using a democratic process.  Where this would not possible the Council would approach the relevant group for nominations.


In light of the proposed changes Janice Box agreed to step down as a Maintained Primary Head Teacher representative.


A Secondary Head Teacher representative queried the rationale behind the differing number of primary and secondary head teachers and the Head of ECHS Finance explained that the membership was based on pupil numbers.  The Secondary Head Teacher asserted that the number of primary and secondary head teacher representatives should be the same.


In relation to the breach of paragraph 1.10, Dr Martin Airey reported that he would be prepared to step down if necessary and the Secondary Head Teachers’ Forum who elected him would have to discuss this and nominate another representative.


The Forum also noted that Sam Parrett and Neil Miller represented the same Multi Academy Trust and that this would need to be reviewed.


In view of the inclement weather that was closing in and the potentially difficult driving conditions the proposed changes to the Constitution of the Schools’ Forum were immediately put to the vote.  It was agreed by majority that the proposed changes to the Constitution be approved.


RESOLVED: That the proposed changes to the Constitution of the Schools’ Forum be recommended to the Education Budget Sub-Committee for approval.