Issue - meetings

Pre-Application Advice Service for Licensing

Meeting: 29/03/2017 - Public Protection and Enforcement Policy Development & Scrutiny Committee (Item 143)





The report was presented by Mr Paul Lehane, Head of Food Safety, Occupational Safety and Licensing. The purpose of the report was to propose the introduction of fees to recover the costs associated with the provision of a licensing pre-application advice service.


Three services were proposed:


·  A check and send service with a proposed fee of £40.00

·  A pre-application advice service with a proposed fee of £71.00

·  A Full application service with a proposed fee of £168.00


It was believed that Sections 1 and 3 of the Localism Act 2011 conferred a power to local authorities to charge for services in these circumstances.


The Portfolio Holder requested that income from licensing be used to support the Emergency Planning budget. A member stated that he was happy with the report, but was not happy with the principle of ring fencing budgets. He also requested clarification of the legal position concerning charging for providing advice. He also expressed concern about charging for an advisory service, if the applicant’s request was subsequently rejected.


Mr Lehane responded that LBB would be disclaiming legal responsibility, and that the Planning Department provided a similar service. The service would ensure that a good application was submitted, but the success of the application could not be guaranteed.


However, he would seek further clarification from the Director of Corporate Services. It was explained that only new applications would incur a charge; the implementation date would be 1st April 2017.



RESOLVED (subject to ratification from Legal) that the Portfolio Holder agree the introduction of fees for pre-application advice for licence hearings.


Post Meeting Note:


Clarification concerning the legal position has been received from the legal department, and the decision will proceed as planned.