Issue - meetings

Congestion Relief - Croydon Road junction with Anerley Road

Meeting: 07/03/2017 - Environment and Community Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 65)


Additional documents:


Report ES17026


Members considered proposals to help alleviate congestion and improve road safety at the junction of Elmers End Road /Croydon Road/Anerley Road. Vehicles waiting to turn right into the Aldi store cause traffic to queue back into the junction causing gridlock. With Elmers Elm Road relatively narrow, the volume of vehicles able to exit the junction is also reduced.


The main proposal involved widening the Croydon Road carriageway between the junction and entrance to the Aldi store to accommodate an additional lane parallel to a dedicated right-turn lane to the store. Vehicles would then be able to bypass right turning queues. 


The estimated scheme cost amounted to £300k, much of which related to the diversion of a major British Telecom underground chamber. Funding from the TfL Bus Priority Programme would be sought to meet the scheme costs; should this not be successful, costs would be met from the 2017/18 LIP funding for congestion relief. In the meantime, detailed design work could be undertaken so the scheme is able to proceed once funds are identified.


Members were advised of a number of utilities in place beneath the footway where it was proposed to widen the Croydon Road carriageway. The footway was wide enough to permit a width reduction. 


It was confirmed that Aldi had not been forthcoming in contributing towards the scheme costs. However, it was confirmed that TfL Buses were prepared to contribute £50k towards costs. 


It was also confirmed that moving a bus stop opposite the store further along Croydon Road would be included in modelling. Enforceable box junctions had also been included to assist the free flow of traffic and prevent blocking. Banning right turns into the Aldi Car Park had been considered but no alternative option was readily available to enter the car park; banning right turns could cause the location to become more dangerous.


A number of Members expressed support for the scheme. Cllr Peter Fookes also indicated his support in written feedback and it was confirmed that improved pedestrian facilities could be incorporated within the scheme design should it proceed. 


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to:


(1)  approve the implementation of proposed improvements to the carriageway layout at Croydon Road and Elmers End Road subject to consultation with Local Ward Councillors;


(2)  approve the scheme at a cost of £300k to be met from the Borough’s Local Implementation Plan (LIP) fund and Transport for London Bus congestion reduction funding; and


(3)  delegate authority to the Executive Director of Environment and Community Services to make any further minor modifications which might arise as a result of proposed consultations and detailed design.