Issue - meetings


Meeting: 29/03/2017 - Public Protection and Enforcement Policy Development & Scrutiny Committee (Item 143)



ES 17020


This report was written by Jim McGowan, Head of Environmental Protection.


The report was written as the current location of the CCTV control room was in the St. Blaise building. As this building was due for demolition, there was a need to find an alternative location or an alternative model of service delivery commissioned. The report outlined the strategy for the continuation of the CCTV Service and sought approval to commence the process of market testing the service.


This was a report that was for scrutiny by the Committee, prior to a decision being made by the Executive.


The Chairman stated that she was pleased that the CCTV service was continuing.


Mr Mcgowan outlined the three options that were being considered:


·  Relocation of the CCTV control room to another location locally


·  Partnering with another local authority or other public sector organisation


·  Outsourcing the service to a third party provider


A Member expressed concern around the potential time and cost involved in going through a tender process and then possibly not agreeing a tenderer at the end. The Director for Environment responded that the OJEU process should be straightforward, and that some soft market testing could be undertaken. The Member agreed that soft market testing would be good. Mr McGowan stated that the main aim was to achieve VFM (Value for Money).


The Chairman noted the importance of VFM, but stated that it was crucial that LBB retain control of images. Mr McGowan provided assurances that regardless of which option was chosen, LBB would retain control over the images.


A Member asked Mr McGowan which option he preferred. Mr McGowan felt that the most straightforward logistical option was to move into another Council building. This may not however be the cheapest option.


The Director for Environment advised that it may be prudent to issue a ‘Pin Notice’. In this way LBB could invite interested parties in for talks, and may also benefit from getting feedback concerning price.


A Member noted that in the telecoms industry there was a move away from cables. He also suggested that LBB avoid a long term contract as new technologies like 5G were coming. Mr McGowan stated that LBB owned its own fibre cables. LBB used 3G wireless technology as there was plenty of free bandwidth, and the picture quality was good.


The Vice Chairman speculated if it would be possible to include the CCTV room in the new development. Mr McGowan responded that he would talk to LBB Property to assess if this was an option. The Executive Director for Environmental and Community Services underlined that such an option would undermine the capital value of the site.


The Chairman asked for an update report to be provided to the Committee in either September or November 2017.




(1) that an update report concerning the CCTV Procurement Strategy be presented to the PDS Committee in either September or November 2017


(2) that Mr McGowan contact LBB Property to investigate the possibility of the CCTV  ...  view the full minutes text for item 143