Issue - meetings

MOPAC Update

Meeting: 29/06/2017 - Public Protection and Enforcement Policy Development & Scrutiny Committee (Item 12)

12 MOPAC UPDATE pdf icon PDF 275 KB

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The Mopac Update report was written by Mr Rob Vale, Head of Trading Standards and Community Safety. The report was written to update the Committee on the Local Crime Prevention Fund (LCPF) granted by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC).


The Committee was informed that the funding allocation for LBB for 2017/18 was £401,731. Unfortunately, the funding for 2018/19 was significantly lower at £241,699. It was the case that the funding could be spent as LBB wished over the 2 year period. The total 2 year funding was £643,430, and LBB had taken the decision to apportion the grant funding over the two years. Table 3.4 in the report explained in the detail how the money would be spent. The Chairman expressed concern over the reduced budget for ASB and noise nuisance. She hoped that some of the deficit could be picked up from within the organisation.


Mr Vale was concerned about the co-commissioning element of funding that would commence during 2019/20, and continue into 2020/21. During these two years, 70% of funding would be direct borough funding, but 30% would need to be sourced from a co-commissioning budget. He felt that the process for obtaining funding from the co-commission pot was complex, and it was possible that an application may not be successful. There were also tight timescales to adhere to. Mr Vale stated that the funding gap could have a negative impact on VAWG projects.


RESOLVED that the MOPAC Update report be noted.