Issue - meetings

Crystal Palace Park: Regeneration Plan

Meeting: 19/07/2017 - Executive (Item 283)


Crystal Palace Ward

Additional documents:


Report DRR17/029


The Executive was informed that the development stage of the Regeneration Plan for Crystal Palace Park was complete; the report set out the next steps to take the Plan forward to delivery.


Officers confirmed that there had been substantial consultation with the trustees of the existing Crystal Palace Museum. Councillor Nicholas Bennett suggested that it would be useful to develop a comprehensive tourism strategy for the borough. Councillor Simon Fawthrop questioned why it was necessary to subsidise the café; it was confirmed that this was pump priming that would lead to an income stream for the future. All capital costs would be repaid from sales of land for residential development. 


The Leader welcomed the progress that had been made and the fact that there was now substantial support in the local community for the Regeneration Plan. He hoped that the Mayor of London would announce his intentions for the future of the National Sports Centre soon. 


The report had been scrutinised by the Renewal and Recreation PDS Committee on 5th July 2017 and the Environment PDS Committee on 12th July 2017.



(1)  The contents of the report and the Regeneration Plan document be noted.

(2)  Spending of up to £625k funded from Capital Receipts be approved to progress the Regeneration Plan to the submission of the outline planning application by spring 2018 and this be added to the Capital Programme.

(3)  A further £242.3k be approved from Capital Receipts to deliver the Crystal Palace Park café project and the Capital Programme be amended; any unspent contingency will contribute towards the next Phase of the Regeneration Plan scheme.

(4)  The outcome of the café works tender process be noted as detailed in the associated Part Two report and the award of contract be agreed as recommended.