Issue - meetings


Meeting: 01/11/2017 - Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 33)


Additional documents:


Report DRR17/058


In relation to ongoing Bromley Town Centre improvements, Members considered detailed designs and costing for the proposed market kiosks. The report also contained an update on progress achieved to date with plans to reorganise, rebrand and relocate the existing market.


Councillor Michael was concerned that part of the structure of the proposed kiosks would consist of timber and could be a fire risk.  She emphasised the need for flameproof material to be used and sufficient coverage of CCTV be installed to monitor the market area.  The Head of Renewal reported that the manufacturer of the materials confirmed that all cladding would be fire retardant and the design and manufacture of all kiosks would be as robust as possible.  He also reported that the area was already sufficiently covered by CCTV.


In response to the Chairman’s queries regarding the amount of consultation undertaken, Members were informed that market traders, Primark, Ward Councillors and shop keepers had all been previously consulted.  In 2015, a series of meetings were held with stakeholders and businesses and separate meetings took place with traders.  Market specialist, Quarterbridge, had engaged in consultations on changes to the market and would now consult on the plans for moving it to Market Square and on its future and branding.  Primark had been consulted throughout the process so far.  They recognised that activities do take place on the square and the Council had done its best not to unduly hinder the shop front in any way. 


The Head of Renewal confirmed that a fire path with cleared access ran through the pedestrianised area from North to South.  This path was always kept clear to allow emergency services to access Market Square. 


It was noted that as Quarterbridge were engaged by Environment and Community Services, its contract was not included in the Renewal and Recreation Contract Register.


The estimated income of £100k from rental of the 8 additional kiosks was based on Quarterbridge’s comparison with an area similar to Bromley Market Square. 


The Chairman was dissatisfied with the level of consultation undertaken to date and reported that the consultation requested in March did not even take place.  Having spoken with three traders who all declared that certain aspects were ‘off the table’ in terms of consultation, he emphasised the need for the design element of the proposals to be discussed with traders and requested that additional consultation be carried out with Bromley Town Ward Members.  The Chairman therefore moved (seconded by Councillor Tickner), that amendments to the recommendations to the Executive be made.  Members unanimously voted in favour of the amendments which are set out in the recommendations below.  The Director of Regeneration reminded Members that there was a timetable of works to be met and whilst consultation must be meaningful, the planning application could not be left open-ended.  The application was due to be submitted in December 2017.


Councillor Morgan confirmed he would report Members’ comments to the Executive.  He also raised concerns about the lack of consultation  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33