Issue - meetings


Meeting: 01/11/2017 - Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 31)

31 BUDGET MONITORING 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Additional documents:


Report FSD17085


Members considered the latest budget monitoring position for 2017/18 for the Renewal and Recreation Portfolio based on expenditure and activity levels up to 30 September 2017.  The total portfolio budget showed a projected underspend of £41k.


Referring to the planning appeal costs of £224k (page 58), the Director of Regeneration reported that Counsel opinion was currently being sought in regard to a case which was still at an early stage of the planning appeal process.  Therefore, the sum set aside was only provisional at the current time.  In regard to this, the first sentence of paragraph 6.5 (page 58) was amended to read:- ‘There may be an overspend of £224k directly related to planning appeal costs awarded against the Council.’.


Members were informed that whilst it was difficult to accurately budget for appeal costs, the Chief Planner would be requested to provide Members with details of the total amount set aside.


Referring to the Building Control underspend of £61k due to part year vacancies and reduced hours (page 60), the Director of Regeneration reported that in order to provide a full service, one member of staff was currently being paid overtime whilst attempts were being made to recruit. 


In relation to the inspection of private sector Tall Buildings, officers were following guidance offered by DCLG to Councils and had written to relevant residential tall building owners in the Borough.  A tall building was deemed to be 18m or over in height and 14 of these had been identified.  The Chief Planner would attend the next PDS meeting in January when a more detailed update report would be submitted.  This was a separate exercise to the work undertaken on Housing Association Tall Buildings.  A fire risk assessment had been undertaken on 171 properties to date and no high risk or priority issues had been identified.  There will, of course, be a future financial obligation to continue undertaking these assessments. 


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to endorse the 2017/18 budget projection for the Renewal and Recreation Portfolio.