Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/07/2018 - Executive (Item 32)



Report ES18032


The waste management, street cleansing and grounds maintenance contracts were being re-tendered with the new contracts due to commence in April 2019. In preparation for this, a strategic review of the Council’s depots had been undertaken in order to provide cost-effective and flexible facilities based on a contract structure where the contractor was able to self-provide modular buildings and storage facilities, reducing the Council’s ongoing costs.


An assessment of the condition of these depots had been carried out and a range of essential capital works has been identified including the replacement of hard standings and demolition of dilapidated buildings. At the larger depots, particularly those associated with waste management, the improvements would help to maintain site safety and environmental compliance as well as sustaining fitness-for-purpose throughout the duration of the contracts. The report therefore recommended that the sum of £6.5m was approved to carry out the identified capital works.


The report had been scrutinised by the Environment and Community Services PDS Committee at its meeting on 10th July 2018; a visiting Member reported that the Committee had suggested an amendment to the recommendation about delegating authority to the Programme Manager to authorise variations against the construction and/or consultancy contracts, proposing that the delegation be exercised by the Executive Director. It was confirmed that the proposed delegation to the Programme Manager was standard Council practice, and that the Programme Manager would be given a very clear brief to achieve best value and would be fully accountable to the Portfolio Holder and senior officers.




(1)  Council be recommended to approve the addition of the scheme for Depot Improvement Works to the capital programme, with a total cost of £6.5m, to be financed as set out in paragraph 5.5 of the report.

(2) Authority be delegated to the Programme Manager to authorise variations against the construction and/ or consultancy contracts within the 10% tolerances, with the Programme Manager accountable to the Council’s budget holder.


(3) An additional 10% contingency of £587k be approved for any additional depot works that are identified through the negotiation process for the Environment contract.


(4) Authority be delegated to use the additional 10% funding for depot works to the Executive Director of Environment and Community Services in consultation with the Environment and Community Services Portfolio Holder.


(5) A suitable framework be utilised for the appointment of consultancy services.

(6) The procurement of contractors for works as outlined in the report be approved.