Issue - meetings

JSNA evaluation and HWBS proposal

Meeting: 07/06/2018 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 5)

5 JSNA Evaluation Findings, Recommendations and Proposed Methodology for Identifying Priorities for the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy pdf icon PDF 58 KB

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Report CS18140


The Board considered a report outlining the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Evaluation findings and recommendations, as well as the proposed methodology for identifying priorities for the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


Bromley’s first Health and Wellbeing Strategy was published in 2012 for the period 2012-15 with an overall strategic vision for Bromley residents to “live an independent, healthier, happier life for longer.”  Nine priority areas were identified within the first strategy which were later refined to four areas considered to be the highest priority comprising Diabetes, Obesity, Dementia and Children and Young People’s Emotional Health.  At its meeting on 8th February 2018, the Health and Wellbeing Board agreed that a comprehensive evaluation of the Bromley JSNA be undertaken to review the structure, process and outcomes of the report to ensure it was fit for purpose and capable of answering the complex commissioning questions of the future, and that the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy be reviewed concurrently to this evaluation to inform the publication of a refreshed strategy later in the year.  This work had now been completed, and Board Members were requested to consider the findings of both reviews as well as the proposed methodology for agreeing priority areas for the new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Action Plan that would deliver them.


In considering the JSNA Evaluation findings, Board Members generally agreed the proposed recommendations. 


Recommendation 3 proposed a more strategic and proactive approach be taken to identifying existing and planned opportunities to engage specific groups in aspects of JSNA development.  Board Members discussed the scope to build on existing engagement mechanisms and offer new opportunities to enable Bromley residents to engage with the JSNA.  The Chairman noted that engagement undertaken at a recent Carers’ Conference had led to the development of the highly successful Connecting Bromley campaign which offered befriending services, volunteering opportunities and a searchable directory of activities to reduce social isolation.  With regard to Recommendation 4, it was agreed that it would be beneficial for key partners to share data and analytical capacity and expertise as a means of achieving the best possible outcomes from available intelligence and to avoid duplicating work.  There was an increasing amount of regional and national data from organisations such as Public Health England which would also be used more widely in future. 


In supporting Recommendation 5, Board Members requested that the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment production cycle be extended to three years which would allow additional capacity to produce in-depth needs assessments between updates to the core chapters.  The Chairman noted that this could also include the exploration of emerging issues such as sleep hygiene which had been identified as having a significant impact on health and wellbeing.  Members also agreed that the proposal at Recommendation 6 to combine the Joint Strategic Needs Assessments for children and adults would support the delivery of a more coordinated response.  In response to a query from a Member, the Director: Public Health reported that the level  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5