Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/06/2018 - Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 10)

10 BUDGET MONITORING 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Additional documents:


Report FSD18047


Members considered the latest budget monitoring position for 2018/19 for the Renewal, Recreation and Housing Portfolio based on expenditure and activity levels up to 31 May 2018.  The total portfolio budget showed a projected underspend of £156k.


Consideration was also given to the drawdown of the carry forward sums from 2017/18 held in the Central Contingency for the Housing Service, totalling £138k, excluding grant income.


The Heads of Finance for CEx and ECHS outlined the report and outlined the services provided by the Planning, Recreation, ECS Housing and Operational Housing sections. 


Both the Building Control and Lard Charges sections provided chargeable and non-chargeable services.  Fees were set to fully recover costs including all support services, accommodation and computer costs.  Any surplus or deficit may be carried forward at the end of each year, although the service should not budget to make a surplus.


The Planning Team included development control and planning administration as well as appeals and enforcement.  There were 51 ftes and the service received £1.6m of income, mainly from statutory planning fees.


The Renewal Division within planning, dealt with planning strategy and projects including the Local Plan, as well as conservation and tree preservation.


Within the Culture Division, £1m was paid to Bromley Mytime and £203k covered the cost of running the two learning shops at Mottingham and Cotmandene.  The remaining budget covered the Culture Team which managed the Portfolio projects.


The library service was operated by Greenwich Leisure Limited at a cost of £4.4m.  The remaining budget covered the Client Team of 2.7 staff and building associated costs for shared library premises.


The Town Centre Management service included 1.8 staff.


A total of £17m was attributed to temporary accommodation costs of which the majority was recoverable.  Overall, homelessness cost £5m per annum.  The Homeless Reduction Act and the Benefits Cap had impacted on cost and a report would be submitted to the Committee each year requesting the drawn down of funding to offset homelessness.  The Government were fully aware of Bromley’s current homeless situation.


Councillor Bear requested future reports include a summary of key variances to help Members focus on key issues.  It was agreed that an approach similar to that taken in budget reports provided to the Environment and Community Services PDS Committee would be adopted.


The Travellers budget was overspent due to high utility use at one particular site where no metres were currently installed.  Action was being taken to rectify this.  Rent arrears also contributed to the overspend.


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to:-


1)  endorse the latest 2018/19 budget projection for the Renewal, Recreation and Housing Portfolio; and


2)  approve the drawdown of the carry forward sums from 2017/18 held in the Central Contingency for the Housing Service, totalling £138k, excluding grant income.