Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/06/2018 - Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 12)


Additional documents:


Report DRR18/034


Members received an update on the progress achieved in delivering the Town Centres Development and Growth Programme.


In particular, Members were requested to consider the allocation of £45k from various Section 106 monies to fund a programme of street furniture refurbishments in Market Square and Bromley South as part of town centre improvements.


In regard to the Good Growth Fund, multiple projects were being assessed in order to submit a stage 1 application by 13 July 2018. 


The Chairman advised that this report was regularly submitted to the Committee to give updates on sites identified within Bromley’s Area Action Plan.


Visiting Member Councillor Tickner reported that the selected design of the Beckenham Green Canopy had been endorsed by the Beckenham Town Centre Working Group.  The stage was of a modern design and practical to manage.  A budget of £35,000 was set aside for the detailed design, manufacture and installation.


Officers continued to pursue long-term maintenance arrangements for the canopy including options with the newly formed BID and Id verde.


The Chairman was very supportive of the use of S106 monies to fund the programme of street furniture refurbishments in Market Square and Bromley South as part of Bromley’s town centre improvements.


The Chairman encouraged the Council’s bid for the Good Growth Fund, Round Two, to be submitted.


The Head of Renewal reported the GLA were keen to support the proposed extension of the Penge Shopfront scheme and the Beckenham Green Community Market via the pro-funding scheme.




1)  the progress achieved in delivering the Town Centres Development and Growth Programme be noted;


2)  the Portfolio Holder be recommended to approve the allocation of Section 106 monies of £25k relating to land at the South Side of Ringers Road and £20k in relation to land at the Multi-storey car park, Simpson’s Road, to fund a programme of street furniture refurbishments in Market Square and Bromley South as part of town centre improvements; and


3)  the decision to submit a Good Growth Fund Stage 1 bid be delegated to the Director of Regeneration and the Portfolio Holder for Renewal, Recreation and Housing to meet the deadline of 13 July 2018.