Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/06/2018 - Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 15)


Additional documents:


Report DRR18/035


The report provided an update on the current Growth Fund work programme.


As part of the enabling infrastructure workstream, it was proposed to commission a full audit of existing Council owned assets to assess the potential for delivering new Fibre and Public Wireless Networks and provide new income streams to the Council.


The Head of Renewal informed Members that a full review on the outcome of the audit, options analysis and SIP Bid would be submitted to the September meeting of the RR&H PDS Committee.


Referring to the table on page 130, para. 5.1, the Chairman requested the inclusion of success rate information and challenging aims for each of the schemes approved and committed.


In regard to the Biggin Hill economic growth at West Camp, the Council had written to the site owners seeking an update on the current position however, no response had been received.  The Head of Renewal confirmed he would try to contact the owners again.  A further update would be submitted to the PDS meeting in September.


The Growth Fund allocation of £6.79m set aside for the Cray Business Corridor and Biggin Hill SOLDC would be divided equally between the two projects.  The redevelopment of the Sun Chemical site, located in the Cray Business Corridor would deliver 24,740 sqm of additional industrial floorspace.


RESOLVED that the report be noted and subject to the outcome of the work stream set out in paragraphs 3.19-3.20, that a further detailed report be brought back to members on the outcome of the audit, options analysis and SIP Bid.