Issue - meetings

Renewal, Recreation and Housing Portfolio Plan

Meeting: 26/06/2018 - Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 14)


Additional documents:


Report DRR18/028


Members considered a report outlining the aims and objectives of the Renewal, Recreation and Housing Portfolio for 2018/19.  The report also provided a summary of the achievements of the former Renewal and Recreation Portfolio in 2017/18.


Councillor Morgan would like to have seen digital infrastructure improvements included in the Portfolio Plan as it was vitally important to promote this project for homeworkers as well as businesses.  The recent discovery of a main cable duct, capable of conveying 100 wires from Penge to the Cray Corridor, could be used for broadband wiring. 


In regard to the Priority for affordable, decent and secure homes, it was noted that approximately 1,450 households were currently housed in temporary accommodation.  Nearly 850 of these were placed in some form of nightly paid accommodation which amounted to a cost of £8k per year per family.


Referring to the protection and improvement of Bromley town centre, Councillor Morgan advised that the newly built Westfield Shopping Centre in Croydon was likely to divert trade away from Bromley.  As a result, a wide range of good quality shops was needed to attract new businesses.  Improvements were being made to Bromley market and discussions were taking place in regard to the opening of a new department store.


The Chairman requested that future Portfolio reports reviewing the achievements of the past year should be submitted to the final meeting of the Municipal Year.


The Head of Renewal drew Members’ attention to Aim 5.2 (page 84), which reported on the options for the delivery of an enterprise network across the borough utilising surplus Council stock.  An option to expand the Business Centres at Beckenham and Bromley were currently being explored.  The ground floor of the mixed use development at Site G (identified within the AAP), could provide space for small businesses.


Page 85 of the report, outlined how the Council had performed against set performance measures.  In regard to Economic Development relating to footfall in town centres (para. 1.2), Councillor Bear queried the high percentage increase reported for Penge compared with the figures for Orpington and Beckenham.  The Director of Regeneration agreed to update Members as a ‘Matter Arising’ from this meeting and would also include the percentage figure for Bromley.


It was agreed that the occupation rates of shops and footfall figures would be included in Aims 1, para 1.4 on page 106 of the report.


The Chairman noted improvements achieved within the Planning Department, in particular the determination of planning applications within a reasonable time period.  The Chief Planner acknowledged the importance to applicants of obtaining planning permission in a timely manner and reported that the Council had surpassed national targets.


Councillor Cuthbert was informed that agency and short-term staff were engaged to deal with any sudden increase in planning applications. 


Approximately 15% of applications were referred to Planning Sub-Committees for consideration by Members; this somewhat impeded the Council from reaching its targets.  However, referrals were gradually decreasing to around 5-10%.


The Chairman drew attention to Indicators 1-7  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14