Issue - meetings

Provisional Outturn report 2017/18

Meeting: 20/09/2018 - Schools' Forum (Item 11)


Additional documents:


Report CSD18144


The Schools’ Forum considered an information report outlining the financial information reported to the Education, Children and Families Budget and Performance Monitoring Sub-Committee on 18th July 2018.  The provisional outturn for the “controllable” element of the Education, Children and Families budget in 2017/18 was an overspend of £925k compared to the latest reported figure of an overspend of £874k which was based on activity at the end of December 2017.  The DSG Schools’ Budget had underspent by £32k in 2017/18, this would be added to the £1.6m carried forward from 2016/17.  The carry forward position had been adjusted by an Early Years funding adjustment made by DfE which had reduced the amount available by £475k.  After a further adjustment of £190k for central funding the amount carried forward into 2018/19 would be around £800k.


In response to a question from the Vice-Chairman regarding the Early Years adjustment, the Head of ECHS Finance explained that the DfE assumed a level of funding and a level of take up for Early Years.  Any adjustments arising from the difference between the reality and the assumptions were taken retrospectively.


The Forum noted that as a result of funding pressures the financial position was currently volatile. There were continuing pressures in the High Needs Block and work to mitigate against these pressures was ongoing.  Further information would be presented to the Schools’ Forum as part of the budget setting process.  In the meantime, the Head of ECHS reported that further Budget Monitoring was due at the end of September 2018 and a further update could be provided to the Schools’ Forum at its next meeting.


RESOLVED: that the report be noted.