Issue - meetings

Portfolio Plan - 6 month Performance Overview

Meeting: 04/12/2018 - Public Protection and Enforcement Policy Development & Scrutiny Committee (Item 42)



The Portfolio Plan Six Month Performance Overview update was given by Sarah Foster.


The update was presented by using an A3 colour spreadsheet. Despite this, the print was still a bit small and the Chairman asked if larger type could be used in the future. Ms Foster agreed to spread the data over two pages next time.


The Committee was referred to item number 9 which was the number of unrated food premises that required inspection. This had changed from a Red to Amber risk which was good news for the Food Safety Team (FST). This was because the FSA (Food Standards Agency) had met with the FST and had advised them to shift the focus away from unrated premises. The target had therefore reduced down from 427 to 327. 


Ms Foster updated the Committee with respect to the matter of fly tipping. She said that the Fly Tipping Working Group had met three times this year, but was now being reinvigorated and would be meeting again the same week. The working group was developing a fly tipping action plan. The Legal Section had advised that it was ok for LBB to send out fly tipping warning letters in cases where fly tipping was not proven but suspected. Increases in vehicle stop and search were planned.


A Member raised concerns around the non-inspection of low risk premises, and pointed out that the situation could change over time. Karen Ryan from the Food Safety Team explained about the different ratings for food premises and the inspection regieme.


It was noted that although the official figures with respect to fly tipping had decreased, it was also the case that many cases of fly-tipping probably went unreported because it was such a common occurrence in certain areas like Star Lane. 


The Committee discussed the effectiveness (or otherwise) of using CCTV cameras. It was noted that in the Star Lane area this practice had not proved effective for various reasons including all of the bends in the road. Four cameras had recently been installed at Star Lane and they were all stolen. A Co-opted Member asked if LBB had enough enforcement officers and wondered why LBB was using temporary agency staff.


The Committee noted the update on Mentoring Relationships and was advised to contact Councillor Lymer if any further information was required. 


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Plan Performance Overview Report is noted.