Issue - meetings

Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report

Meeting: 28/11/2018 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 56)

56 Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report pdf icon PDF 65 KB

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Report CS18187


The Board received a presentation on the Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2017/18 by Lynn Sellwood, Independent Chairman and Raynor Griffiths, Manager: Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board.


The Local Authority had a statutory duty under the Care Act 2015 to establish a Safeguarding Adults Board to help and protect vulnerable adults in Bromley.  The Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board had three main functions comprising developing a strategic plan, publishing an annual report and undertaking Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) to investigate serious incidents.  No SARs had been commissioned in 2017/18; however the Safeguarding Adults Review Committee had made the decision to commission a SAR in respect of one case on 29th June 2018 that was currently in progress, and a further case had met the threshold for a SAR for which the Board was seeking legal advice.  During 2017/18, the Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board had undertaken a range of work outlined in the Safeguarding Adults Strategy 2016-19, including the establishment of the Safeguarding Adults Review Committee, creating a safeguarding awareness commercial and delivering a number of events to raise awareness of adult safeguarding.  The key priorities for the year had been self-neglect, hoarding, domestic violence and fire safety in homes, and the same key priorities would be carried forward into 2019/20.  The forward work programme included the development of the Board’s strategy for 2020-2023 and a strategy and Borough-wide approach to tackling modern day slavery.  It was also planned to complete an audit of safeguarding practice in the private, voluntary and independent sectors and develop a community engagement programme to increase awareness of adult safeguarding in Bromley.


In considering the report, the Chairman led Board Members in commending Lynn Sellwood and Raynor Griffiths for the excellent work of the Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board during 2017/18.  A Member noted that the Adult Care and Health PDS Committee had expressed support for the Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report at its meeting on 21st November 2018, and was looking for ways to promote the key messages of adult safeguarding in communities across the Borough.


In response to a question from a Board Member, the Independent Chairman: Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board confirmed that the Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board would link in with the work of the Joint Strategy for Ageing Well in Bromley 2019-24.  Another Member underlined the need for the Bromley Safeguarding Adults and Children Boards to work closely together, highlighting cross-cutting issues such as the impact of violence against women and girls.  The Independent Chairman: Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board and Independent Chairman: Bromley Safeguarding Children Board emphasised their absolute commitment to work together.  The Chairman noted that the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018-22 had been designed to bring together health and wellbeing priorities for both children and adults.  A link to the Board’s safeguarding awareness commercial would be provided to Board Members following the meeting.


RESOLVED that the Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2017/18 be noted.