Issue - meetings

Lip Consultation Report

Meeting: 05/02/2019 - Environment and Community Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 52)


Additional documents:


Report ES19018


Since previously considering L B Bromley’s Draft Local Implementation Plan (LIP) 3 on 10th October 2018, Members were updated on subsequent consultation results. In so doing, Members were asked to consider how the results might inform future policy and scheme development and to consider whether any further changes could be made to the LIP.

The consultation ran from 5th November 2018 to 13th January 2019 including a webpage dedicated to the draft LIP3 ( Online responses were possible via a survey with more detailed comments emailed or posted.  A total of 526 bodies were also directly consulted, including statutory consultees. Additionally, a press release published via the Council’s Facebook and Twitter accounts was reported in the News Shopper, Bromley Times, and Bromley Borough News. Information on the consultation was further included in the Bromley Winter Newsletter emailed to some 50,000 residents (who had provided email addresses for this purpose). 

Following publication of Report ES19018, the consultation results were summarised for Members and Public (circulated to Members in advance of the meeting and tabled). This consultation document can also be seen via the following link to papers for the meeting ( A draft LIP3 post consultation was also tabled as was a summary of changes to the draft LIP3 post consultation. Both documents can be seen via the link above. Additionally, comments on the item from Cllr Kieran Terry (unable to be at the meeting) were tabled and again these can be seen via the above link. 

TfL had submitted a number of comments which it would like addressed or clarified prior to submission of the finalised LIP for approval in March 2019. The comments were generally minor without changing the broad approach of the draft LIP. No major changes are therefore required to the LIP although a number of small changes were made in response to stakeholder comments clarifying the Borough’s position/proposals or adding more detail to a proposal. It was highlighted that reference to a response from the Friends of Orpington Priory and Gardens was inadvertently missing from material tabled.

(Democratic Services Note: It was highlighted post-meeting that the consultation response from Ashfield Lane Road Safety Group (ALRSG) had also been omitted and has since been added to the consultation report).


A number of stakeholders provided detailed comments on particular locations in the Borough and these would be considered further as annual delivery programmes are developed during LIP3. 


Certain funding details were also provided in relation to the 2019/20 LIP allocation.


A Member commented that it was good to see that the London Cycling Campaign (LCC) and Bromley Cyclists were positive on the draft LIP3.




(1)  the LIP3 consultation results be noted; and

(2)  the final LIP allocation for 2019/20 be noted.