Issue - meetings

Joint Mental Health Strategy

Meeting: 07/03/2019 - Adult Care and Health Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 71)


Additional documents:


Report ECHS19029


The Committee considered the Joint Mental Health Strategy for Bromley 2019-2025 developed by the London Borough of Bromley and the Bromley Clinical Commissioning Group.  The Joint Mental Health Strategy for Bromley set out the vision for promoting better mental health and emotional wellbeing in the Borough.


The Committee thanked Officers for the comprehensive document that had been provided noting that the Strategy before Members addressed one of the most significant issues currently facing society.  Members stressed it was therefore important that the actions included within the Strategy were both appropriate and deliverable.  Whilst acknowledging the significant amount of work that had already gone in to developing the comprehensive strategy, Members made the following comments, observations and suggestions:


  • The interface between Adult Mental Health Services and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) was unclear as was how the development of the 0-25 pathway fitted into the Strategy.
  • There needed to be further clarity around re-entry into the system in the event of a relapse.  This would demonstrate an understanding that recovery may not always be permanent and that mental health issues were often cyclical.
  • There needed to be further consideration of demographics with an acknowledgement that different mental health issues could affect different groups within society in different ways.  There also needed to be consideration of possible cultural and language barriers experienced by minority communities trying to access services.
  • It was noted that the LGBT community was invisible within the Strategy and there was no consideration of the different barriers and difficulties accessing services experienced by the LGBT community.
  • There needed to be an acknowledgement that individuals suffering with mental health conditions may need to access services in different ways and that a ‘one size fits all’ approach to access may not be appropriate.  In addition, consideration needed to be given to the most appropriate mechanism for reaching more isolated communities.
  • Currently little consideration appeared to have been given to people who had more limited access to the internet or homeless people experiencing mental health episodes who may be prevented from accessing services due to the lack of a permanent address.
  • More information about early intervention and how and when it might occur needed to be included within the Strategy.
  • Individuals who were held in police custody suites or those coming out of prison or on probation were not reflected in the Strategy and it was suggested this was an oversight as this specific group were known to be vulnerable to mental health issues.
  • It would be helpful to have further information concerning extra care and dementia patients along with projections around the number of extra care units that would be needed.
  • There was no reference to the “Healthy Mind” work that had been undertaken by King’s.  Reference also needed to be made in the document to the Bromley Health and Wellbeing Strategy as loneliness and isolation were recognised as key issues.
  • The Military Covenant and the specific mental health issues experienced by ex-servicemen needed to be reflected  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71