Issue - meetings


Meeting: 23/07/2019 - Development Control Committee (Item 11)



Report DR000000


Members considered a number of recommendations put forward by officers following a light touch review of planning committee processes by the Planning Advisory Service.


Councillor Allen commented that the recommendations and proposed actions to be taken following the PAS Review should be seriously considered and would welcome feedback on progress.  In regard to budget cuts and staffing levels which was always a feature of budget monitoring reports, Councillor Allen reported that she was assured at a previous RR&H PDS meeting that recruitment was in hand.  Recommendation 12 (substitutions at committee should not be related to Ward interest), was a significant issue and should, therefore, apply to all Planning Committee meetings.  Councillor Allen suggested that all Members be made aware that this was a significant issue.


The Chairman suggested that the proposed actions be drafted and progressed as soon as possible.


The Chief Planner reported that the PAS were there to support the Council and offered training if required.  A further report outlining a clear timescale for implementation of the proposed actions would be submitted to the next scheduled DCC meeting in September 2019.


In regard to Recommendation 5, Councillor Huntington-Thresher was informed that any Member may call-in an application to be considered by the Planning Committee where there were planning reasons or where there was a strong public interest reason and as long as it was submitted in writing.  A large degree of residents’ concerns in relation to planning reasons would be sufficient for Members to do so.


It was agreed that recommendation 17 be amended to read:-  ‘More pro-active approach to major pre-application discussions including early Member involvement such as presentations to committee and improved communication between Officers, Members and the applicant’


With the addition of the amendment reported above, Members RESOLVED that:-


(1)  the recommended actions in the report be agreed;


(2)  the resolution be taken forward by officers in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman; and


(3)  progress be reported back to Committee as soon as practicable, but in any event before the end of 2019.