Issue - meetings


Meeting: 03/10/2019 - Development Control Committee (Item 31)



Following a light touch review of planning committee processes by the Planning Advisory Service in April 2019, Officers had drawn up a number of recommendations to take forward improvements to the planning service, including the operation of planning committees. 


The report currently before Members provided an update and timescales for those recommendations and set out suggested actions to be taken forward by officers and/or Councillors.


The Chairman noted that the proposed improvements were in various stages of progress at the moment.  She advised Members that the definition of Major applications related to the national definition.


In regard to recommendation No.4 (paras 3.8-3.12), Councillor Fawthrop moved that applications for development within Conservation Areas and Areas of Special Residential Character which do not provide a 1 metre sidespace remain the subject of Committee decision.  Anything else could be dealt with under delegated powers.  Councillor Onslow seconded the motion.


Councillor Allen reminded Members that the PAS review was undertaken due to the risk of special measures being taken against the Council.  Five months had elapsed since the PAS report was received which highlighted the seriousness of call-ins to Committee.  Training for Members had been suggested which Councillor Allen would like to see implemented as soon as possible. 


The Chairman assured Councillor Allen that all aspects of the review were being taken seriously.  A reorganisation of the planning department had taken place during the summer months.  The proposed actions would be delivered.


Councillor Brooks then expressed concern that the Planning Advisory Service recommendations were being implemented too quickly.  The Chairman reassured him  that the items were being implemented at a sensible pace.


Councillor Huntington-Thresher referred to paragraph 3.11 of the report and sought clarification on the definition of ‘a unit’.  The Assistant Director (Planning) explained that a development for multiple occupation counted as one unit if the occupants lived as one household.  He agreed that the number and definition of units in forthcoming reports would be specified.


Councillor Mellor stated that delegation of applications to officers removed decision-making powers from Councillors.  Officer presentations on reports being considered at Committee would be welcomed.  Councillor Mellor requested sight of a clear definition of what constituted Major planning applications.  The Assistant Director (Planning) agreed to circulate the national definition of a Major application via e-mail to Members.




1)  the timescales and updated actions set out in the report be noted;


2)  the proposed method for determining whether cases are reported to Development Control or Plans Sub-Committee be agreed; and


3)  applications for development within Conservation Areas and Areas of Special Residential Character which do not provide a 1 metre sidespace must remain subject to Committee decision.  All remaining changes to the delegated powers and types of cases which are currently routinely reported to Committee be confirmed.


Councillors Allen and Brooks abstained from voting.