Issue - meetings

(19/01864/FULL1) - Christmas Tree Farm, Cudham Road, Downe, Orpington BR6 7LF

Meeting: 10/10/2019 - Plans Sub-Committee No. 4 (Item 13)

13 (19/01864/FULL1) - Christmas Tree Farm, Cudham Road, Downe, Orpington BR6 7LF pdf icon PDF 116 KB

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Description of application – Continued use of temporary overflow visitors car park in field east of Christmas Tree Farm, accessed from Cudham Road.


Oral representations in support of the application were received at the meeting.


Members having considered the report and representations, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE GRANTED subject to the following conditions:-


1  This permission shall enure for the benefit of the applicant, Mr H Barritt only and shall not enure for the benefit of the land or any other persons with an interest in the land and shall be for a limited period being the period during which the site is required to be used as an overflow car park associated to Christmas Tree Farm.  Should the land no longer require to be used as an overflow car park, the land shall be reverted to its previous condition and all hardstanding within the site should be removed.


Reason: In order that the justification for the visitors’ car park can be reassessed on a change of ownership given the location of the land within the Green Belt.


2  Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking and/or re-enacting that Order), the land should be used as an overflow car park associated with Christmas Tree Farm only.  No further development, other than that shown on the approved plans hereby permitted shall be carried out without the grant of a separate planning permission from the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To safeguard the impact in Green Belt and to comply with London Plan Policy 7.16 and Bromley Local Plan Policy 49.


3  No hardstanding or any additional hard landscaping shall be installed and the surface of the car park hereby permitted shall be retained as a permeable surface unless otherwise agreed with the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To prevent the increased risk of surface water flooding and ensure the principles of sustainable drainage are incorporated into this development and maintained for the lifetime of the development and comply with London Plan Policy 5.13 and Bromley Local Plan Policy 116.


4  Within 3 months from the date of this permission, details of a car park management plan including measures to control the use of the site gate and ensure safe entry and egress of users should be submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority.  The approved management plan shall be implemented immediately following its approval and maintained for the lifetime of the development.


Reason: In order to ensure highway safety and compliance with London Plan Policy 6.12 and Bromley Local Plan Policy 32.