Issue - meetings

Environment and Public Protection Risk Register

Meeting: 14/11/2019 - Public Protection and Enforcement Policy Development & Scrutiny Committee (Item 45)


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The Head of Performance Management and Business Support attended to answer questions arising from the presentation of the Environment and Public Protection Risk Register.


It was noted that the Risk Register formed part of the evidence base for the Annual Governance Statement and had therefore been reviewed by the EPP (Environment and Public Protection) DMT, the Corporate Risk Management Group and the Audit Sub Committee.


The Head of Performance Management and Business Support explained the differences between gross and net risk ratings, and the Committee was pleased to learn that no risk was currently flagged as ‘red’ following the implementation of management controls.


The Chairman asked for an update concerning Arboricultural Services, and was informed that good progress was being made in implementing the recommendations suggested by the Audit Sub-Committee. The Service had been short of two officers, but one officer had now been recruited. The remaining role would be a development role that would most likely be filled by an Apprentice. The gross risk rating for  Arboricultural Services would remain as 12 until all of the recommendations were in place.


The FSA (Food Standards Agency) risk would be removed going forward as all of the high risk premises had now been audited and licensed.


A Member asked if trees were being inspected and it was confirmed that contractors had been appointed to do this, as well as inspections being undertaken by the Planning Department.


It was noted that more volunteers were required to provide help as emergency responders. The Assistant Director for Public Protection and the Head of Performance Management and Business Support had been trained so that they could function as ‘Silver’ emergency response officers if required. All LBB Directors had been trained to ‘Gold’ Level. 


The Chairman expressed his congratulations to David Tait and the Emergency Planning Team for all of their hard work. He asked if training would be provided for Members, and it was agreed that this would be referred back to Mr Tait to comment.


The Chairman asked if there were concerns around the disposal of waste post Brexit. He was informed that talks had taken place with Veolia regarding this and that they were not concerned. Some European countries were still glad to receive waste from the UK as they needed it to keep their incinerators burning.


It was mentioned that plastics that could not be recycled would be burned instead. It was noted that black plastic could not be recycled as the lasers used in the recycling process could not identify black plastic; because of this, black plastic was being phased out.   


RESOLVED that the Public Protection and Enforcement PDS Committee notes the Risk Register Report and the appended Risk Registers, together with progress made since the previous meeting.