Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/11/2019 - Adult Care and Health Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 39)

39 BUDGET MONITORING 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 137 KB

Additional documents:


Report FSD19098


The Committee considered an update on the budget monitoring position for 2019/20 for the Adult Care and Health Portfolio based on activity up to the end of September 2019.


There was currently a projected overspend of £603k on controllable expenditure, based on information as at September 2019. It was noted that this figure assumed Executive approval of £700k Better Care Fund (BCF) underspend being carried forward from the previous year, which the CCG had agreed to the use of this funding. It could not be assumed that similar use of BCF underspends would be available the following year.


In response to a question, the Director of Adult Social Care said that there were savings included in the 65+ budget attributed to discharge to assess (D2A). However, these anticipated savings had not been achieved and the cost to the Council had in fact increased.


In respect of respite care, work would be undertaken to ensure that financial assessments were carried out in a timely way and users were contributing towards their care if they were able to do so.


In response to a question, the Director of Adult Social Care said that the Manager of the Learning Disability Service was now in a permanent role, and only two agency staff remained. The Head of Finance for Adults, Health and Housing confirmed that the figures provided were a year-end projection, and that if permanent staff were to fill the positions, the overspend would be reduced.


A Member considered that there was more demand than had been budgeted for, and asked for an update in relation to the care homes options appraisal. The Director of Adult Social Care advised that a report on this had been provided to the Leader for consideration.


In relation to the summary of care packages, a Member noted that the

projection for 65+ Domiciliary Care packages was 70% above the budget. The Director of Adult Social Care advised that this was linked to the pressures on the budget, and the anticipated D2A and reablement savings not being made. It was further queried why no budget had been included for the Shared Lives element of care packages, both 18-64 and 65+. The Head of Finance for Adults, Health and Housing agreed to provide further information following the meeting.


RESOLVED: That the Portfolio Holder be recommended to


1.  Note the projected overspend of £603k on controllable expenditure, based on information as at September 2019; and


2.  Recommend that Executive approve the allocation of £700k from the Better Care Fund to offset pressures in Adult Social Care as set out in the report.