Issue - meetings

PP&E Performance Overview

Meeting: 04/02/2020 - Public Protection and Enforcement Policy Development & Scrutiny Committee (Item 62)



The Head of Performance Management and Business Support attended to present the update regarding the PP&E Performance Overview. Most of the outcomes on the report were either rag rated as purple or green. She mentioned that although LBB had lost the High Court injunction case with respect to the Travellers, an injunction was still in place to prevent ‘persons unknown’ from fly tipping in Bromley’s parks. 


The data with respect to fly tipping enforcement actions had been rag rated as ‘amber’. This was because the year-end projections for enforcement actions were short of the target figure. It was explained that the implementation of the Fly Tipping Action Plan was expected to result in an improvement in performance. A co-ordinated approach was being achieved through the Fly-Tipping and Enforcement Working Group.


Plans were underway to purchase 2 covert cameras and 1 CCTV camera in the fight against fly tipping. There had recently been three prosecutions for fly tipping and it was confirmed that these successes were publicised via press releases on the Council website.


Meetings with the Environment Agency were planned to discuss illegal waste disposal.


The Council had requested information from other local authorities with respect to fly tipping FPNs. The matter of Fly Tipping on private land was discussed. It was noted that LBB would only get involved in this type of situation if there was a statutory nuisance that required enforcing. 


It was noted that LBB would be using CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) certified drone operators to seek out possible fly tipping sites that were not easily visible from ground level.


A Member asked if LBB made use of the Proceeds of Crime Act and it was confirmed that when the occasion warranted, appropriate legal action based on the Act would be undertaken.



RESOLVED that the update regarding the Public Protection and Performance Overview is noted.