Issue - meetings

Internal Audit Progress Report

Meeting: 15/07/2020 - Audit and Risk Management Committee (Item 45)


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The Head of Audit and Assurance briefed the Committee on how Covid 19 had impacted on the Audit Plan, together with the risk profile of the Council in a short space of time. Internal Audit had to look at the services currently being implemented as well as new services and processes being delivered as a result of the pandemic. Some controls had been relaxed because of working from home, for example. The Council had to ensure that suppliers were supported through the pandemic and so processes and rules had been changed. However, fraud risks were existent for all councils. The Audit Plan had to be flexible and agile to deal with multiple demands.


The Audit of the Care Act (Information, Advice and Guidance) had been completed and the level of assurance was ‘Reasonable’. 


The audit of contracts coming to an end had been completed and the level of assurance was ‘Substantial.’


Members heard that the audit of Looked after Children had resulted in a Priority 1 recommendation (for children moving into the 18 plus age group).

It was found that a number of cases did not have a valid contract in place with the provider, so the Contract Procedure Rules and the Financial Regulations were not being followed. The service was working through a backlog of existing placements. The level of audit assurance was ‘Limited’.


The Committee heard that the audit of ‘More Homes Bromley’ had been a complex piece of work. It was an innovative scheme and 360 properties had been delivered in a short timeframe against a target of 400--this had been a steep learning curve and many lessons had been learned. Recommendations had been made to improve the control environment. Short and long term operational risks needed to be identified as well as priorities. KPI data was required. The Head of Audit and Assurance felt that the business plan, business accounts, and financial model all required updating. The Council’s Insurance Board needed to satisfy themselves that all properties were covered by relevant insurance. The final accounts had not been formally approved before being filed at Companies House.


Although it was the case that there had been many recommendations, the project had been very successful in that it was delivering much needed housing stock for  the Council and was also of significant benefit to the public in terms of providing housing.  The Chairman was pleased to note that there were no Priority 1 recommendations.


A discussion took place regarding the Council’s Board Members for the More Homes Bromley Scheme, and how could the Committee be satisfied that the correct insurances were in place if the Board members were not insurance experts. The Head of Audit and Assurance informed Members that this was indeed an issue that should not be overlooked and it would be reviewed at the next Board meeting. The Board was encouraged to take expert independent advice if required.


A discussion took place as to how the audit opinion of reasonable assurance had been given  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45