Issue - meetings

Adults - Extra Care Housing, Lot 2, Norton Court, Crown Meadow Court, Durham House

Meeting: 29/09/2020 - Adult Care and Health Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 10)



Report ACH20-041


The Committee considered a report which outlined the contract performance of the Adult Extra Care Housing – Lot 2.


Mears provided care and support services into three Extra Care Housing (ECH) schemes within Bromley – Norton Court, Crown Meadow Court and Durham House.The annual service review was being presented in line with LBB Contract Procedure Rules and provided an analysis of Mears’ performance during the current contract term.


Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) formed a key part of performance monitoring and were submitted on a four-weekly basis. Contract management meetings were held quarterly and the KPI’s used as a basis for monitoring performance and highlighting areas that may require improvement. The KPI’s referred to quantitative activity that was carried out by the provider and was regularly evaluated by the contract manager. The KPI’s helped to identify some areas requiring improvement two years ago and were used by Mears, along with associated action plans, to improve their performance. Mears were now consistently meeting the targets set out in the contract specification. A Member requested that in future reports, KPI data was included on annual reviews. It was agreed that this information would be circulated following the meeting.


The Commissioning Officer noted that during the COVID-19 pandemic, Mears had been proactive in the implementation of various measures to ensure the safety and wellbeing of ECH clients and staff.

In response to a question relating to supply and demand of ECH, the Commissioning Officer advised that there was long term potential for growth. These schemes were growing in popularity with residents in the borough, and the current schemes were proving to be very successful.

A Member noted that the most recent customer satisfaction survey results indicated that 9% of Norton Court residents felt that the quality of care and support services ‘required improvement’ and asked if these issues had been addressed. The Commissioning Officer said he believed this feedback related to the activities provided to residents. Over the last twelve months, Mears had worked hard to improve this, offering a larger number and more varied activities. Reassurance was offered that when speaking to residents, they were always very positive about the ECH scheme.

It was noted that the annual review of the Creative Support Contract would be presented at a future meeting of the Committee.

RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder:


i)  Note the information contained within the report in relation to Mears performance of this contract and that this provider was consistently meeting the Council’s standards under the contract.


ii)  Note that the provider was to be reviewed again in 12 months to provide an update on performance and progress made.


iii)  Note the introduction of revised KPI’s that would gather additional data in relation to provider performance.