Issue - meetings


Meeting: 24/09/2020 - Development Control Committee (Item 40)


Additional documents:


Report HPR2020/30


This report contained an historic assessment of the Petts Wood Area of Special Residential Character (ASRC) prepared by specialist heritage consultants (BEAMS).  The conclusions of the assessment would form the basis of a public consultation exercise seeking views on the designation of a new Conservation Area and the extension of an existing Conservation Area adjacent to the ASRC.


Councillor Fawthrop drew Members’ attention to the report which referred to ‘Ladywell Road’ throughout; this should in fact read ‘Ladywood Avenue’.


Having scrutinised the report, Councillor Fawthrop highlighted significant errors which can be viewed as Annex B to these Minutes.


The first photograph on page 499 of the BEAMS assessment was of The Covert.  However, this road had not been included as part of the new Conservation Area.  Councillor Fawthrop moved (and it was agreed) that The Covert covering the Noel Rees houses from Nos. 1-29, 2-48 but excluding 24-26b, be included as part of the new Conservation Area.  An application for the installation of roof lights at No. 44 The Covert was dismissed at appeal and enforcement action was undertaken.  The Inspector’s report referred to the unique setting of The Covert and alluded to the design heritage of the Noel Rees houses.  A copy of the appeal can be viewed as Annex C to these Minutes.


It was suggested that other clusters of Noel Rees houses such as those in Willett Way should also be included as they were important heritage assets.


Councillor Owen fully supported Councillor Fawthrop’s suggestion adding that further areas could be included following consultation.


Members were informed that page 497 of the BEAMS report confirmed that churches would be considered as a separate matter.  Article 4 Directions for locally listed buildings were currently being considered.


The Head of Planning Policy and Strategy agreed to consider the inclusion of The Covert in the new proposed Conservation Area.  He also confirmed that as this was a consultation, if Members wished to put forward other areas for consideration, they were at liberty to do so.


While Councillor Allen raised no objections to Conservation Areas, she was shocked to note the budget allocation and for this reason, found it difficult to support the recommendations.


Councillor Stevens emphasised that the Council must make it clear that members of the public were required to give precise details and justification as to why suggested areas should be included in the new Conservation Area.


Councillor Brooks supported the statement made by Councillor Allen in relation to associated costs.  There were Conservation Areas in most wards so potentially all of these may want to be extended too; this would be a costly exercise. 


Councillor Onslow stated that Petts Wood was known as a ‘garden suburb’ and was a unique Conservation Area.




1.  the historic area assessment report on the Petts Wood Area of Special Residential Character be noted;


2.  a public consultation exercise be undertaken to seek views on proposals to:-


·  extend the Chislehurst Road Conservation Area to include Birchwood Road to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 40