Issue - meetings


Meeting: 09/11/2020 - Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 32)

32 BUDGET MONITORING 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 310 KB

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Report FSD20083


The report provided an update on the latest revenue budget monitoring position for 2020/21 for the Renewal, Recreation and Housing Portfolio based on activity up to the end of September 2020.


The Committee noted that the projected impact of Covid-19 would be reflected in the full Budget Monitoring presented to the Leader later in the month.  As yet the full impact on the budget was difficult to quantify but it was clear that there were a number of ongoing pressures.


The Director of Housing, Planning and Regeneration confirmed that, in light of Covid-19, Officers were currently projecting an increase of 15 temporary accommodation clients each month for the next 12-18 months although the situation was being kept under review.


The Committee noted that a number of departments across the Council were experiencing financial pressures arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, including Strategic Property, Land Charges, Building Control, and Culture (including Regeneration).


RESOLVED: That the Portfolio Holder be recommended to endorse the latest 2020/21 budget monitoring for the Renewal, Recreation & Housing Portfolio.