Issue - meetings

(20/02390/FULL1) - Holwood Farm, Shire Lane, Keston, BR2 6AA

Meeting: 04/02/2021 - Plans Sub-Committee No. 1 (Item 22)

22 (20/02390/FULL1) - Holwood Farm, Shire Lane, Keston, BR2 6AA pdf icon PDF 583 KB

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Description of application – Change of use of part of the Holwood Farm Green Barn to Class A1 for fishmonger and changes to the car park layout (retrospective).


Oral representations in objection to and in support of the application were received at the meeting.  Supplementary information and photographs had been received from the applicant and the objector and circulated to Members.


Councillor Christine Harris objected to the retrospective change of use of the outbuilding known as ‘Green Barn’ to a fishmongers and her opinion was that a non-permanent ‘pop-up’ would be more suitable.  She also referred to the waste bins outside ‘Green Barn’ which could be viewed from two residents’ patios that emanated an odour and she objected to the application and moved refusal.


Councillor Suraj Sharma seconded refusal.


The Chairman supported the application on the grounds that it would not be a significant loss of amenity to neighbours or to the Green Belt and it would not cause a road safety issue.


Councillor Katy Boughey referred to the history of the site which had grown from a farm shop into a major hub and had outgrown its space.  Her view was that the waste should be contained within ‘Green Barn’ and she objected to the application.


Members having considered the report, objections and representations, RESOLVED that PERMISSION BE REFUSED for the following reason:-

1.The proposed change of use would be an intensification of the site which is considered inappropriate in the Green Belt and would have a detrimental impact residential amenity of the adjoining neighbours, contrary to Policy 49 of the Bromley Local Plan, Policy 7.16 of the London Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.